
The Hardy Plant Society is a national organisation that exists to promote interest in growing hardy perennial plants.
The Hertfordshire Group is one of 50 regional and specialist groups of the Hardy Plant Society. The aim of the Society, which celebrated its' 65th anniversary in 2022, is to stimulate interest in growing hardy herbaceous perennials.
The Hertfordshire Group is a friendly and enthusiastic group of gardeners and garden lovers of all levels of skill and ability, with a common interest in learning more about perennial plants.
We have a programme of indoor talks, with varied knowledgeable and well-known speakers, held on the first Saturday of the month held at 2pm from October - April in Wheathampstead Memorial Hall.
These talks are followed by refreshments with home-made cakes, and a members’ plant stall.
Our summer programme usually includes a coach trip, garden and nursery visits, a Seedling Swap and our Annual Plant Sale.